Haines Branch Stream & Wetland Mitigation/ Lehigh New Windsor Quarry
Carroll and Frederick Counties, MD
Envirens is working with Lehigh Cement Company (2008- 2015) to mitigate for quarry expansion in Carroll and Frederick Counties, MD. Approximately two miles of Haines Branch will be restored using natural channel design. An additional eight acres of palustrine emergent wetlands and seventy acres of warm season grass buffers will support the ecosystem. The project encompasses the headwaters, side tributaries, and main stem of the stream’s valley. Envirens and its team of subconsultants successfully achieved a final ACOE and MDE permit for a ninety acre quarry expansion and the associated final mitigation design and construction. The photo collages below show how the area will be improved using low impact grading and native plantings of warm season grasses, emergent wetlands, and forested buffers.
Frederick County, MD 2009-2016